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Friday, May 1, 2015

Sword Of Vermilion Sega Genesis Cheats

Test Menu
During any time during the game, simultaneously press and hold the A, B and C buttons and press Start on controller 2.
A test menu should appear with Input, Sound and C.R.T tests. And when you exit, it will send you back to the Sega logo screen.

Quick Cash
In Keltwick, when Bearwulf gives you the dungeon key to get to Malaga, sell it. It's worth 1000 kims and Bearwulf has an unlimited amount of them. Just go back, talk to him and he'll say ''Did you lose the key? I have another one.'' He'll give it to you, and you can repeat the process as much as you want.

Super Strength
Early in the game, you can obtain incredible strength that will let you kill most enemies (even bosses) in one shot. To do so, you need to have the Dark Sword and a few hundred Kim.

First off, go to the Church in
Parma and equip the Dark Sword. You will be cursed, at which point you have the curse removed at the church. If you check your Stats, you'll see that your Strength has dropped. Equip the Dark Sword again and remove the curse again. Again, your strength should drop. Repeat until it is below zero. When it gets below zero, the strength actually skyrockets to about 5000! After you equip a sword (I recommend the Bronze Sword), it will go down to about 2000 or so, but still insanely strong. After you level up, it will drop to about 1500 and stay around there for the rest of the game.

Keep in mind NOT to buy any other swords as it will start to effect your strength negatively (though there will be a point in the game when you are forced with an Iron Sword, but don't worry about that).

Ultimate Strength
This is similar to the Super Strength trick but involves you being at Level 31 (the highest level you can get to) and having the Raphael's Stick and either the Death or Dark Sword.

Equip the sword and you will be cursed. Use the Raphael's Stick to remove the curse. You will again notice that your Strength is lower. Keep doing this until you get below 0, in which it will shoot up to around 5000 or so. That isn't enough, so keep going until it's below 0 again and it will shoot up around 9000. Equip the Sword of Vermilion (or any other sword) and it will go down to 7000, but will be enough to kill ANY monster in one shot.

The Invincibility trick allows you to have such a high Armor Class that every hit you take will result in only 1 HP being lost. Similar to the Super Strength trick, you need the Old Nick Armor, the Poison Shield (optional, but it will keep you immune from Poison) and the Raphael's Stick.

To start off, equip the Poison Shield (if you have it, else unequip the Shield) then the Old Nick Armor. You will be cursed. Remove the curse with the Raphael's Stick and your AC will drop. Keep doing it until your AC goes below zero, at which point it will skyrocket to 5000. Repeat until below 0 again at which point it will go up to 9000. Stop right there! Do NOT equip any armor as it will drop your AC down.

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